Artemisia Farm & Vineyard

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.”
– Wendell Berry

This is an invitation.  We are appealing to you for a collaboration in one small and decidedly specific way: to change the cultural narrative of rural Virginia and recenter our established norms to a healthier, more sustainable tonality.  As we detail below, we intend to breach this divide by reinstating diversity in foodways and in the distribution of value-added artisan products.

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Brettanomyces tells the story of simple things. It gives witness to the bevies of marginality surrounding agrarian idealism, from the emotional weight of tribalized commercial farming, to the eroded beauty of cultural collapse in the drylands of the Southwest. It teases out the line between what is essential and what is superfluous in the syzygy of industrialized food production. Informed by time spent working the vines of Virignia’s burgeoning vineyards, to walking the bare escarpments of New Mexico’s cattle land, this is a record of relationships and circumstance.

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